What are solar panels and why you should install them at home

Believe it or not, enough solar energy reaches planet Earth in one hour to supply the entire world for a year. Unlike fossil fuels, anyone can buy and install solar panels to take advantage of the abundance of sunlight. And best of all, the sun generates significant savings on your electricity bill in the long term. So, in this article, we’re going to tell you why should have a solar panel at home.

solar panels

What is a solar panel?

A solar panel is a device that takes advantage of solar radiation to generate energy. However, a solar panel can fulfil two different functions. The first is known as a solar collector. Through solar radiation, it raises the temperature of the water or some other liquid. And the second is the photovoltaic panel. This one allows producing electrical current with the help of photovoltaic cells.

Several cells make up solar panels. And the amount of these will be the amount of energy that solar panels generate. For example, a panel with 36 cells will produce approximately 12 volts. And one of 72 will generate more than 24 volts and so on.

How does a solar panel work?

The solar rays collide with plates made of semiconductor materials. These transform the energy received into electricity. Those in charge of carrying out this transformation are the so-called solar cells. They form solar panels. And these small cells are made of crystalline silicon or gallium arsenide.

Solar cells are mixed with other components such as phosphorus and boron to form two parts. One is charged with negative electrons. And the other with positive electrons. What happens when you expose the solar cell to the sun? The photons can move the electrons from the part where there is an excess negative charge to the part where it is missing.

As the photons release electrons, more and more electricity is generated. The electrons that are not used or that come from the wind return to the negative panel. That causes everything to start over in an endless process.

solar panels

What are the 3 different types of solar panels?

Monocrystalline Solar Panels (Mono-SI)

Monocrystalline solar panels are one of the most common, as we have previously commented. The monocrystalline name refers to the type of cells with which they are made. We usually know them as monocrystalline cells.

Single large crystals make up this type of solar panel. This one is cut into thin sheets, generally a uniform blue.

Generally, photovoltaic solar panels are made of monocrystalline silicon (sc-Si). These are more efficient than the other types that we will explain below. However, their price is also higher.

Polycrystalline Solar Panels (Poly-SI)

They are made up of several crystals, so they have a non-uniform blue colour. But the latest manufacturing techniques already provide greater uniformity to the appearance of the cell.

How is the manufacturing process of this type of photovoltaic panel? The makers use silicon wafers to obtain the base of polycrystalline silicon cells (mc-Si).

On the other hand, as a difference, this type of panel is achieved after having cut the previously solidified silicon in a crucible. This transformation is carried out very slowly. And thanks to this, small crystals of silicon are produced.  Another difference between these two types of solar panels is efficiency. So, experts have checked that polycrystalline are less efficient than monocrystalline.

Amorphous Silicon Solar Cell (A-Si)

This type of solar panel is not made of crystals. It is the cheapest but also the one with the lowest yields. You can find them, for example, on devices such as calculators or watches. Also, they have the peculiarity that they can produce electricity even if you don’t expose them directly to solar radiation in a perpendicular way. Of course, they produce energy only in small amounts.

Does it worth installing solar panels in the UK?

In principle, we are going to deny those who claim that solar panels stop capturing the sun’s rays during cloudy days. This statement is completely wrong. Sure, they don’t produce the same percentage of electricity that they would generate on a sunny day. But it isn’t true that they don’t capture any energy.

Obviously, the production will decrease. But the solar panels will continue to work. We also know that as diffuse radiation. Then, what happens when the solar rays don’t affect the panel directly? They do so through fog or clouds.

And what happens during foggy days? In these cases, the performance of the panels can decrease by 60%.

In conclusion, despite rainy or foggy days, we can say that the UK has enough light to install solar panels.

How long do solars panels last?

The average useful life of the panels is 25 years. However, with proper maintenance, they can last more than 30 years. Taking into account that the power will drop after 20 due to the wear of the cells.

How to make the most of solar panels to reduce your electricity bill?

Users who decide to install solar panels for homes can save up to ninety-seven per cent of their electricity bills with a single investment. In no more than 5 years, you can get back what you invest by installing solar panels for houses.

In general, the use of your photovoltaic self-consumption installation will depend on multiple factors:

1. In the first place, it is essential to correctly calculate the number of solar panels your photovoltaic installation needs. This will allow you to generate enough energy to cover your energy demand. So, you will avoid connecting to the electricity supply network as far as possible.

2. What are the photovoltaic installations with the highest performance? Those whose energy use is higher in the periods with more sunlight hours. For this reason, it is advisable to schedule and organize your electricity consumption whenever possible. This will make the most of the hours of sun exposure.

3. A correct inclination and orientation of the solar panels will be vital. All this will optimize the performance of your installation.

4. Self-consumption facilities hardly need preventive maintenance. However, cleaning the solar panels periodically will increase their production by up to 10%.

And last but not least, solar panels revalue your property

The main reason why a home with a solar energy installation is worth more is self-consumption. With the installation of photovoltaic panels, your home will be no longer 100% dependent on an electricity company. This will supply great savings on your electricity bill. And also, it will offer great freedom to buyers!. So, they will have their own source of energy.

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